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October 9, 2023

Articles – Digital strategy

Written By Alfonso Manzo

How to Succeed on Social Media in 2024

As we venture into 2024, the social media landscape continues to evolve, presenting fresh opportunities and challenges for individuals and brands alike. In this guide, we’ll delve into the latest trends, strategies, and platforms that are crucial for achieving success on social media in 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of 2024 Social Media Trends
  2. Thriving on Popular Platforms
  3. Leveraging Emerging Technologies
  4. Video Content: The Dominant Medium
  5. Engagement through Hyper-Personalization
  6. Building Communities: Niche and Micro
  7. Conclusion

Overview of 2024 Social Media Trends

2024 heralds a new era of social media, marked by the sustained growth of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, the evolution of LinkedIn, and the pivotal role of SEO in social media strategies. Let’s unpack these trends:

  • TikTok and Instagram Reels: As visual platforms, TikTok and Instagram Reels continue to attract a broad user base. TikTok is expected to see a user growth rate of 9.3% in 2024, albeit slower compared to previous years​1​. On the other hand, Instagram Reels is projected to experience a significant uptick in marketer adoption, from 53.7% in 2023 to 62.2% in 2025, aligning it closely with Facebook in terms of influencer marketing usage​2​. Brands find more engagement on Instagram Reels than on TikTok, with Reels generating 67% more engagement than standard Instagram videos​3​.
  • LinkedIn’s Transition: Once a platform for job hunters and professionals, LinkedIn has morphed into a powerful marketing tool. Companies have discovered the potential of LinkedIn not only for recruitment but also for B2B connections, networking, and marketing​4​.
  • SEO on Social Media: The synergy between SEO and social media is growing, with an emphasis on keyword optimization even on social media posts, not just on websites​5​. The role of social media in SEO strategies is poised to become increasingly significant in 2024​6​.

Thriving on Popular Platforms

Success on social media in 2024 requires a nuanced understanding of each platform’s unique features and user base. Here’s how you can thrive on these popular platforms:

TikTok and Instagram Reels (H3)

Harnessing the growing popularity of TikTok and Instagram Reels involves creating engaging, authentic, and visually appealing content. Consider leveraging influencer partnerships, especially on Instagram Reels, where 62% of marketers plan to utilize this platform for influencer campaigns2.

LinkedIn’s evolution presents a golden opportunity for brands to network, seek new vendors, and scout for the best talent in their niche4. By crafting compelling articles, engaging in meaningful interactions, and utilizing LinkedIn’s ad platform, brands can significantly enhance their visibility and credibility on this platform.

Leveraging Emerging Technologies

Metaverse and Social VR

The Metaverse, a collective virtual shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality, is predicted to undergo significant advancements in 2024. Innovations in VR technology, haptic feedback, AI, blockchain integration, and cross-platform compatibility are expected to transform how individuals engage with virtual environments, providing new opportunities in entertainment, education, commerce, and various other sectors1. The market for the Metaverse is projected to burgeon to a staggering $783.3 billion by 20242.

Brands can leverage the Metaverse and Social VR to create immersive experiences for their audiences. By collaborating with Metaverse companies, brands can create branded activations, thereby establishing a unique brand presence in this digital frontier. Engaging in the Metaverse allows brands to interact with their audiences in a novel, immersive way, which can significantly enhance customer engagement and loyalty.

AI-Powered Features 

As we inch closer to 2024, AI-powered personalization is set to become a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies. Personalization, powered by advanced AI algorithms, is no longer an option but a necessity for brands aiming to engage, attract, and retain customers3. The competitive landscape, especially in e-commerce, demands a shift towards hyper-personalization, where AI significantly outperforms traditional personalization techniques4.

AI’s role in personalizing social media experiences is particularly noteworthy. Advanced algorithms are capable of tailoring content to individual preferences, making user interactions more meaningful and engaging5. For instance, platforms like Netflix already utilize AI to make recommendations based on a user’s viewing history and preferences.

Furthermore, AI is predicted to transition from a supportive role to a core component of marketing strategies by 2024. The infusion of AI tools will provide businesses with deeper customer insights, automate repetitive tasks, and enable more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns6.

Brands that leverage the power of AI to deliver unparalleled customer experiences are likely to see increased customer loyalty and conversion rates7. The ability to deliver personalized content, offers, and interactions based on real-time data and insights will set brands apart in a crowded social media landscape.

The integration of Metaverse, Social VR, and AI-powered personalization presents a trifecta of opportunities for brands to redefine customer engagement, create memorable brand experiences, and drive business growth in the social media landscape of 2024. 


AI-powered personalization is not a new concept, but its application is constantly evolving, especially in the realm of social media and digital marketing. As we approach 2024, the integration of AI in personalizing user experiences on social media platforms is becoming increasingly sophisticated, driven by the advancements in machine learning algorithms and the availability of big data. Here’s an expanded discussion on AI-Powered Personalization along with five examples of real-life AI programs that can be used for social media:

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AI-Powered Personalization

As the digital landscape becomes more competitive, especially in the e-commerce sector, brands are leveraging AI-powered personalization to engage, attract, and retain customers. Unlike traditional personalization techniques, AI-powered personalization utilizes advanced AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data to deliver more personalized and relevant content to users in real-time.

Real-life AI Programs for Social Media Personalization:

  1. LivePerson: An AI-enhanced multichannel communication platform used by notable brands like HSBC, Orange, and GM Financial. It provides a conversational AI platform that enables brands to create meaningful and personalized connections with customers in commerce and customer service settings. Key features include natural language understanding, sentiment analytics, and the ability to connect with consumers across different messaging channels1.
  2. 6Sense: This tool is known for its Revenue AI™ technology that helps brands identify and engage with prospects most likely to convert. It uncovers anonymous buyers, understands their behavior, and directs engagement strategies accordingly. It’s utilized by brands like Cisco, Cognizant, and Dell Technologies1.
  3. Optimizely: A platform that offers AI-powered A/B testing and optimization tools. It helps brands plan, create, and publish content, run experiments to generate insights, and optimize user experiences. Notable brands using Optimizely include H&M, PayPal, and Zoom1.
  4. Narrato: An AI content creation and marketing tool that provides a range of AI tools and features for every content creation and marketing stage. It has AI content planning tools, AI content generation tools, and publishing automation. Key features include the AI Content Genie, which crawls your website to generate fresh social posts and blog posts every week, on autopilot1.
  5. Hootsuite: Known as a comprehensive tool for social media management, Hootsuite also offers AI capabilities like a free caption generator to help brands create social media posts. It’s a versatile tool that helps in managing multiple social media platforms and also analyzing the performance of social media campaigns2.

Transitioning Towards Core Strategies:

The transition of AI from a supportive role to a core component of marketing strategies is predicted as we inch closer to 2024. The infusion of AI tools will provide businesses with deeper customer insights, automate repetitive tasks, and enable more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Brands that leverage the power of AI for personalization are likely to see increased customer loyalty and conversion rates.

Integration with Emerging Technologies:

The convergence of Metaverse, Social VR, and AI-powered personalization presents a trifecta of opportunities for brands to redefine customer engagement, create memorable brand experiences, and drive business growth in the social media landscape of 2024.

This comprehensive utilization and integration of AI-powered personalization tools are set to redefine how brands interact with their audiences on social media platforms. By understanding and leveraging these AI tools, brands can significantly enhance their social media strategies, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the evolving digital landscape.

Video Content: The Dominant Medium

As we transition into 2024, the prominence of video content on social media platforms continues to escalate, establishing itself as the dominant medium for engagement. The trajectory of video content has been on a steadfast rise, and it’s not expected to slow down anytime soon. Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels are at the forefront of this video content revolution, each offering unique features that cater to the growing demand for visual storytelling1.

Embracing the Video Content Wave

The surge of video content is not a fleeting trend but a fundamental shift in how brands and individuals communicate and engage on social media. This shift necessitates that brands and content creators adapt their strategies to leverage the power of video in 2024. For instance, TikTok’s explosive growth in recent years has underscored the popularity of short-form video content, compelling many brands to jump on the bandwagon to create engaging video campaigns2.

Crafting High-Quality Video Content

In 2024, the emphasis will be on creating high-quality video content optimized for social media platforms. This optimization involves not only the technical aspects, such as resolution and loading speed, but also the content’s relevance, creativity, and ability to engage the target audience3.

Strategies for Engaging Video Content

  1. Storytelling: Video content that tells a story or takes the audience on a journey tends to have a higher engagement rate.
  2. Educational Content: Videos that educate the audience about a product, service, or an industry-related topic are valuable and likely to be shared.
  3. Entertaining Content: Entertaining content that resonates with the audience can create a strong emotional connection, encouraging more interactions.
  4. User-Generated Content: Encouraging users to create and share video content about a brand can foster a community and drive engagement.

The Future of Video Marketing

The dominance of video content is expected to continue into the foreseeable future, with platforms like YouTube forecasted to have 2.85 billion monthly active users by 2025. Moreover, the integration of AI in video marketing is on the rise, with over 60% of marketers planning to use AI-powered tools to personalize their video content, showcasing a significant enhancement in video marketing strategies4.

The advent of video content as the dominant medium on social media platforms necessitates a recalibration of marketing strategies. Brands that adeptly navigate this shift, embracing the potential of video content, are likely to enjoy increased engagement, better customer retention, and a significant return on investment

algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data to deliver more personalized and relevant content to users in real-time.

Real-life AI Programs for Social Media Personalization:

  1. LivePerson: An AI-enhanced multichannel communication platform used by notable brands like HSBC, Orange, and GM Financial. It provides a conversational AI platform that enables brands to create meaningful and personalized connections with customers in commerce and customer service settings. Key features include natural language understanding, sentiment analytics, and the ability to connect with consumers across different messaging channels1.
  2. 6Sense: This tool is known for its Revenue AI™ technology that helps brands identify and engage with prospects most likely to convert. It uncovers anonymous buyers, understands their behavior, and directs engagement strategies accordingly. It’s utilized by brands like Cisco, Cognizant, and Dell Technologies1.
  3. Optimizely: A platform that offers AI-powered A/B testing and optimization tools. It helps brands plan, create, and publish content, run experiments to generate insights, and optimize user experiences. Notable brands using Optimizely include H&M, PayPal, and Zoom1.
  4. Narrato: An AI content creation and marketing tool that provides a range of AI tools and features for every content creation and marketing stage. It has AI content planning tools, AI content generation tools, and publishing automation. Key features include the AI Content Genie, which crawls your website to generate fresh social posts and blog posts every week, on autopilot1.
  5. Hootsuite: Known as a comprehensive tool for social media management, Hootsuite also offers AI capabilities like a free caption generator to help brands create social media posts. It’s a versatile tool that helps in managing multiple social media platforms and also analyzing the performance of social media campaigns2.

Transitioning Towards Core Strategies:

The transition of AI from a supportive role to a core component of marketing strategies is predicted as we inch closer to 2024. The infusion of AI tools will provide businesses with deeper customer insights, automate repetitive tasks, and enable more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Brands that leverage the power of AI for personalization are likely to see increased customer loyalty and conversion rates.

Integration with Emerging Technologies:

The convergence of Metaverse, Social VR, and AI-powered personalization presents a trifecta of opportunities for brands to redefine customer engagement, create memorable brand experiences, and drive business growth in the social media landscape of 2024.

This comprehensive utilization and integration of AI-powered personalization tools are set to redefine how brands interact with their audiences on social media platforms. By understanding and leveraging these AI tools, brands can significantly enhance their social media strategies, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the evolving digital landscape.

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Engagement through Hyper-Personalization

Hyper-personalization is poised to be a trendsetter in 2024, taking personalization up a notch by amalgamating data from diverse sources like behavioral, demographic, and transactional information​1​. This trend is driven by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, enabling a more tailored approach to individual user preferences and behaviors. In the e-commerce realm, hyper-personalization, powered by AI, is set to transcend traditional personalization, with software vendors actively embedding AI into personalization software to unlock growth avenues for brands and retailers​2​.

Implementing Hyper-Personalization

Businesses are increasingly leveraging the prowess of AI, machine learning, and advanced analytics to deliver individualized content, product suggestions, and offers to consumers. Hyper-personalization is not merely a buzzword; it’s a necessity in the competitive market of today, facilitating a more personalized user experience​3​. By employing hyper-personalization, brands can significantly enhance user engagement, creating a more meaningful interaction with their target audience.

Building Communities: Niche and Micro

The digital sphere in 2024 will see a rise in niche and micro-communities as users seek more specialized groups and content tailored to their unique interests. Platforms like Reddit exemplify this trend with thousands of niche subreddits catering to specific interests, ranging from gaming to gardening​4​. This shift towards smaller, more focused communities offers a golden opportunity for targeted marketing, enabling brands to engage with a more defined and engaged audience.

Cultivating Niche and Micro Communities

The formation of niche and micro communities is altering the landscape of digital marketing, urging marketers to reconsider their strategies. It’s a move away from mass marketing towards a more personalized and engaged form of marketing​5​​6​. By fostering these communities, brands can develop closer relationships with their audience, engender brand loyalty, and create a sense of shared values.


The evolving landscape of social media in 2024 beckons brands to adapt to the changing tides. Embracing the wave of hyper-personalization and fostering niche and micro communities are pivotal steps towards creating a more engaging and personalized user experience. These trends underscore the importance of a tailored approach in enhancing user engagement and building a loyal customer base in the digital realm.

By judiciously leveraging these trends, brands can significantly bolster their success on social media, creating a more meaningful and rewarding interaction with their audience. As the digital frontier continues to evolve, staying abreast of these trends and adapting marketing strategies accordingly will be instrumental in navigating the road to success on social media in 2024.

Q&A Section

Q1: What are the key factors to succeed in Social Media Advertising in 2024?

A1: Succeeding in social media advertising requires a multifaceted approach. This includes understanding and leveraging the latest algorithm changes, especially on platforms like Facebook, optimizing your advertisements for better engagement and reach, and utilizing the latest tools like Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for insightful data analysis to refine your strategies.

Q2: How do Facebook’s advertising algorithms impact the success of a campaign?

A2: Facebook’s advertising algorithms play a crucial role in determining who sees your ads. Understanding how these algorithms work can help you better optimize your campaigns for your target audience, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving your marketing goals.

Q3: How essential is SEO in enhancing your social media presence?

A3: SEO is not just for websites. Applying SEO strategies on your social media profiles and posts can significantly increase your visibility and traffic. It’s a vital component for anyone looking to succeed on social media platforms.

Q4: How can one set up a successful advertising campaign on Google and Facebook?

A4: Setting up a successful advertising campaign on these platforms requires careful planning and execution. This includes identifying your target audience, setting clear objectives, designing engaging ad creatives, and monitoring and analyzing the campaign’s performance using analytics tools to make necessary adjustments.

Q5: What role does data analysis play in social media success?

A5: Data analysis is crucial for understanding your audience’s behavior and the performance of your campaigns. Tools like GA4 provide valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions, optimize your campaigns, and achieve better ROI.

Q6: What are Social Media Ads and how can they be leveraged for better engagement?

A6: Social Media Ads are paid promotions on social media platforms. They can be leveraged to reach a broader audience, drive more traffic, and generate leads or sales. It’s crucial to design engaging ads and target them effectively to get the most out of your advertising budget.

Q7: With the evolving digital landscape, what are some emerging trends in social media marketing that one should look out for in 2024?

A7: Staying updated with the latest trends, like the rise of new social media platforms or features, changes in advertising algorithms, and advancements in data analytics tools, is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in social media marketing in 2024.

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Alfonso Manzo

Alfonso Manzo